“I’m New”


Worship is every Sunday at 9:30 AM.

Enter the side door nearest the parking lot off Highway 23 and you will be greeted by people who can direct you to the worship space. On your way to the worship space, stop by the coffee bar for some flavored coffee and bring it with you into worship. If you enter the front door off the sidewalk, you can walk straight up the stairs to the worship space.


Children are welcome to remain with you during worship. We love children. A cry, whine, or laugh won’t bother us a bit! It’s all part of the experience. Activity bags, books and ‘busy toys’ are located near the entrance of the worship space. If you prefer, we also have an unstaffed nursery available during the services with a TV monitor so that you can watch the services while caring for your child(ren).

Also, be sure to check out the youth section of the website for all the exciting activities available for youth.

Coffee Hour

Immediately following the 9:30 service, we invite you to stop for coffee and some great homemade treats just outside the doors of the worship space. Here you can ask questions or get information.

What Should I Wear?

We are more concerned with people’s hearts than what they are wearing. Feel free to dress comfortably, whether that is a suit or shorts.

Holy Communion

The Sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month. In the Methodist Church, we practice an open table, which means all who believe in Jesus Christ are welcome to partake. Gluten-free wafers are available. Grape juice is used in place of wine and distributed in individual cups.

Come on in! We’re Saving a Seat for You!

We Pray that your Spirit will be Enriched by your Visit!

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